Sunday, September 20, 2009

Interpreting the Box

For Assignment 2, we had to interpret the interior of the Central Library at the UNAM. Basing ourselves on Marcel Duchamp's and Cornell Boîte-en-Valise's containers as inspirations, we had to interpret or find out what could possibly be inside the library. Considering that the shape of the building is a rectangular prism, the possibilities were infinite.

I decided to approach this problem by the use of abstract elements in order to define space. These abstract elements would meet in any angle and even cross each other, and would create space in between each.

After a couple of crits, my approach became to interpret the murals that are in the facade, with the same goal, creating space. I decided to use real elements on the facade, as well as abstract some others, and with the use of supporting elements, define that previously mentioned space.

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