Sunday, November 15, 2009

Assignment 5: Final Review

For my final schemes of assignment 5, I decided to keep on working on the two previously mentioned drawing and fixing what was not working from past experiments. For the first drawing, the one that I used wire in, I decided to make all of it, or most of it, out of one piece of wire in order to keep that legibility create that depth that was suggested previously, making it look like a drawing if it is seen frontally but having a 3 dimentional depth if it is seen from any other angle.
For my second drawing, the one made with plaster, i decided to extrude every shape orthogonally as suggested before, and also try to mix the plaster accurately this time.
the final drawings for these two schemes where satisfactory, the plaster drawing had some little issues but the experiement was succesful in what I tried to show which was the relationship of each element, and the relationship of their depths. With the wire, I think the improvement was enourmus, since my drawing had a frame now, and it was not "dirty" any more, but instead it evoked a sense of continuity that it did not evoke before.
The crit was very helpful in making us realize what artistic aproach to take with our schemes, how to treat artistically what we have been creating so far, and what not to do in order to loose that qualities that we want to show and have managed to create so far.
In the architectural aspect, the crit was very beneficial too, because it helped me realize, that one of the components that I have been trying to find, the floor for my entire library, was already figured out the moment I casted my plaster model, creating that relationship that I was looking for between the angles and the orthogonal.

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