Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ideas After Mid Review

Working further with the idea of the "spill" i decided to literally spill the interiors of my previous scheme by creating one continous floor plate, in the shape of the mural, similar to the experiments I did before, making it not only the roof of my scheme but also a habitable space in which people can relax and read. This concept would also have floor plates underneath, similar to the ones in the scheme presented in the mid review, just for space purposes.

After working some more with that scheme, the idea of reducing those floor plates into one, was analyzed, in order to spread the scheme into one floor plate, with many level changes, that would empasize in the contrast between the dynamic angles found in the roof of the scheme and the more orthogonal shapes found in the floor of the scheme. The old concept can be seen in the left and the new concept can be seen on the right.

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